Escape From the Scooby Doo Mansion

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Cocktail of the Moment: The Negroni

The apertif of choice around the Scooby Doo Mansion lately has been the Negroni. This is a dry, somewhat bittersweet classic cocktail and offers a welcome break from the current onslaught of overly sugared frou-frou drinks. The Negroni was invented in Italy in the early 1900s. Mixed with gin, Campari and sweet vermouth, it was named after Count Negroni of Florence who always ordered the same cocktail. Lesson learned: if you keep ordering the same unique cocktail long enough, eventually they'll name the drink after you.

Here's our recipe:
2 parts Gin
1 part Sweet Vermouth
3/4 part Campari
serve over rocks, garnish with orange slice and top off with a splash of club soda.


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