Gentlemen, start your moustaches!
That's right, the next World Beard and Moustache Championship is only a year and a half away. On September 1, 2007 a new 'Stache-master of planet earth will be crowned. That lucky fella could be you! I've provided some inspiring photos and some peeks at the competition above. Here is a graphic example of the categories available for the moustache competition. I'm trying to decide between the English and the Handlebar myself. See ya in Brighton!
The Chap provides news and advice for debonair moustacheketeers everywhere.
Salon ran this great article about Las Vegas' annual Mustacho Basho.
Best of all Cheappop rates celebrity moustaches, using the Bert-ometer 5000.
Howdy pirate. That's some hilarious facial hair.
Lex ham pride, yo.
hey Rand! Does this mean you're joining the 'stache brigade?
No can do. I am follicularly challenged. No can do facial hair.
Good choice Rand. Very few can get away with the mustache only look. Guys end up looking like cops, and I always think of gay cops but I think that's just from my memories of the Village People.
Kind of how the pirate looks when he dons his sherriff shirt, reflective sunglasses and pre-teen uppper lip fuzz. Hot. So hot.
Sexy 'staches.
Kinda funky with the aeroflot look near the bottom though. That would creep me out when the owner was swimming and it started to droop all funky like.
I can't remember the name of guy #2, but I once sat a few rows in back of him on a plane. LeRoy Neiman! Or summink. Or nuffink.
Actually, moustache #2 is a previous Moustache Champion and from Germany. Apparently, competitive facial hair growing is all the rage over there. Normally, I'd insert some lame joke about how it's better that their growing crazy moustaches than annexing the Sudentenland or something - but the last five years have really sucked all the fun out making fun of Germany for their past sins. Something about throwing bricks from inside glass houses...
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