Escape From the Scooby Doo Mansion

You wanted the awesome, you got the awesome!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

All study and no pillaging makes me go something something...

concerned reader (symoblized by the parrot): ummm, go crazy?

Me: Don't mind if I do! Blaaaaaarghh!

Sorry, gentle readers, this is about all the more steam I've got right now. My final final (ever) is May 9th. After that I'm never going to learn a damn thing again. There will be much rejoicing, and I promise more interesting posts. Once I'm done once and for all with The Institute for Advanced Pirate Studies, there will be pillaging and blogging about pillaging for all - so stay tuned!


At May 02, 2006 10:33 PM, Blogger Voix said...

I can't wait. Good luck. I'll cross both fingers and toes for you.

At May 03, 2006 9:34 AM, Blogger Lucas said...

I'd cross my eyes, but I only have one! Argggggggggg!!! Damn hook hand!

At May 03, 2006 9:48 AM, Blogger Rand said...

Arrggg, just remember, young Pirate, there's that comprehensive multi-jurisdictional Pirate Exam, and the Multistate Piratical Responsibility Exam that ye must complete before ye can enjoy the monopoly granted ye by the Association of Sworn Pirates....yer pillagin' might be a wee bit less, enthusiastic, let's say, until all of the tests of your mad pirate skills is done....argggg....

At May 03, 2006 12:58 PM, Blogger The Pirate of Selby Avenue said...

I keel-hauled the Multistate Piratical Responsibility Exam back in November. I am one responsible pirate. True, the big Pirate Exam does lurk on the horizaon, but I've got a one week space 'twixt receiving the sheepskin and going underground to prapare for the big one.

At May 03, 2006 1:37 PM, Blogger Rand said...

Ye scurvy dog! Here's me finest tips and tricks fer the Piratical Exam -

Property Law -
He who has the gold rules...

Criminal Law -
Dead men tell no tales...

Torts -
An eye fer an eye...

Family Law -
Yer married to tha sea, and she's a harsh mistress, to be sure...

At May 04, 2006 10:35 AM, Blogger Lucas said...

Rand! LOL!! I didn't know you were a pirate too! What many talents you pirates have. Makes a land lubber like me jealous of all your treasure!

And not to break with tradition, might I also add Arggggggggggg!

At May 06, 2006 8:04 PM, Blogger Voix said...

Man, you guys have to help me out over at Chateau Voix. The Pirates vs. Ninjas debate is NOT going in your favor! Seriously!


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