Escape From the Scooby Doo Mansion

You wanted the awesome, you got the awesome!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Live From Lutsen, part one

A slug of us have saddled up the ponies and gone the Sea Villas in Lutsen, Minnesota for the weekend. Last night involved a bonfire on the shore, much like the photo on the left, minus the children and the wholesome music being played on an acoustic guitar. Two big concepts that have emerged from this summit on the shore are:
  • What would happen if our pets finally figured out that we are made of meat? Personally, I can't the image of a certain Staffordshire Bull Terrier gleefully running through the halls of the Scooby Doo Mansion with my severed arm gripped firmly in his bloody maw. Be afraid, be very afraid.
  • Hobosexuals: people who are persistently attracted to people who are waaaay beneath them.
More updates, and real photos, forthcoming.


At May 08, 2006 2:29 PM, Blogger Alex said...

hmmm. Tell us more about this Hobosexual concept please. What would those who attract those waaaaay above them be called then? Wannabesexuals? Elitosexuals? Grandsexuals? No, that's people who attract, or wish to attract, those living on or around Grand Avenue.

At May 08, 2006 4:35 PM, Blogger The Pirate of Selby Avenue said...

Y'know, Selby isn't too far from Grand... and I'm not out of anyone's league.


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