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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

John McCain Hates "Gay" Sweaters

Read all about it here:

In the final days of his imploding candidacy, John McCain has taken a page out of Richard Nixon's play book, finding increasingly bizarre explanations for his political failures. Strangest of all: He reportedly feels his handlers forced him to wear "gay sweaters."

According to one insider, the knit-picking was the crescendo of a tirade by the Arizona senator, in which he blistered aides about the minutiae of the campaign. While many septuagenarians live in a perpetual state of sweater weather, McCain reportedly declared his frustration with being told to don the perceived homosexual outerwear in order to look younger and more approachable.

Seanator McCain, for what's it worth, I don't think the sweater makes you look any gayer than Paddy Roberts' dog. Maybe you're more of a Zubaz kind of guy.


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