Axl Rose demonstrates his continued irrelevance
Providing further evidence that liberal usage of the Devil's Dandruff doesn't do your gray matter any favors in the long run, Axl Rose destroys the one thing that could convince this frugal pirate to part with his hard-earned pieces of eight to see an aging, bloated, 21st century Guns-n-Roses. Take it away, Chris R.:
The Eagles of Death Metal won't open Saturday's Target Center concert with Guns N' Roses after all. Belatedly added to the tour to boost ticket sales and kill the usual long wait for GNR frontman Axl Rose, the hip California hard-rockers dropped out after only one show, Friday in Cleveland, because Rose badmouthed them.
According to Billboard, fans initially booed the Eagles but were won over in the end. Rose, however, still referred to them as "The Pigeons of [expletive] Metal" during his set. Ex-Skid Row singer Sebastian Bach, Rose's friend, remains as GNR's opener.